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Show Tech Coat Saver Medium Marine Coat Saver


Chain, nylon and leather collars can quickly break off the hair from around your dog's neck. With our collar liners this can be prevented, keeping valuable show coats in top condition. Made from ultra-soft padded nylon, your dog's regular collar is worn above the collar liner and easily secured with the velcro tabs.
Chain, nylon and leather collars can quickly break off the hair from around your dog's neck. With our collar liners this can be prevented, keeping valuable show coats in top condition. Made from ultra-soft padded nylon, your dog's regular collar is worn above the collar liner and easily secured with the velcro tabs.

7 colours, 3 sizes: S: 15cm, M: 25cm, L: 35cm.

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Ohne Mehrwertsteuer: 0,83 €