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Groom Professional Sirius 20,5cm - 8,5" Straight Scissor


Looking for a top quality and professional scissor? Look no further than the Groom Professional Sirius 20,5 cm - 8,5" straight scissor . This scissor is made from 440 steel, meaning it is both sharp and durable. It also features an adjustable tension screw, so you can get the perfect cut every time. Plus, the special coating on this scissor adds to its durability, making it a great investment for any groomer.

Looking for a top quality and professional scissor? Look no further than the Groom Professional Sirius 20,5 cm - 8,5" straight scissor . This scissor is made from 440 steel, meaning it is both sharp and durable. It also features an adjustable tension screw, so you can get the perfect cut every time. Plus, the special coating on this scissor adds to its durability, making it a great investment for any groomer.

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Ohne Mehrwertsteuer: 63,60 €